COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for ENV [File read to set environment].

List of available manpages

ENV -- Environmental Variable

File read to set environment

Whenever the  Korn shell is  invoked, it executes  the script named  in the
environmental  variable ENV.  By  custom, this  is  set to  ${HOME}/.kshrc,
although you can name any file  you wish.  This script usually sets aliases
and environmental  variables, and  executes the  set command to  modify the
behavior of the shell itself.

By defining ENV in your .profile, you can ensure that this file is executed
whenever you invoke a shell.  If you wish to have its definitions read only
by the login shell, insert the instruction

    unset ENV

at the end of the script named by ENV.

See Also

environmental variables,