COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for hypot() [Compute hypotenuse of right triangle].

List of available manpages

hypot() -- Mathematics Function (libm)

Compute hypotenuse of right triangle
#include <math.h>
double hypot(x, y) double x, y;

hypot()  computes  the hypotenuse,  or  distance from  the  origin, of  its
arguments x and y. The result  is the square root of the sum of the squares
of x and y.


The following  example demonstrates the  functions hypot() and  atan2(). It
converts  an X/Y  pair of rectangular  coordinates into  polar coordinates.
Thus, an X/Y pair of 1,1  produces a range of 1.41 and 45°; and an X/Y
pair of 3,4  would produce a range of five  and 36.87°.  The following
sketch illustrates this:

    ^            (x,y)
    |          /|
    |         / |
    |      e /  |
    |     g /   |
    |    n /    |
    |   a /     |
    |  R /      |
    |   /       |
    |  /        |
    | /         |
    |/  | Angle |
    +-----------+  -> Y-Axis

This example was written by Brent Seidel (

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

    double x, y, angle, range;
    char    buffer[100];

    printf("Enter the X/Y pair: ");
    sscanf(buffer, "%lf,%lf", &x, &y);

    range = hypot(x, y);
    angle = atan2(x, y);
    printf("The range is %f\n", range);
    printf("The angle is %f radians or %f degrees.\n",
        angle, angle * 180.0/PI);

See Also
