COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for from [Generate list of numbers, for use in loop].

List of available manpages

from -- Command

Generate list of numbers, for use in loop
from start to stop [ by incr ]

from prints  a list of integers  on the standard output,  one per line.  It
prints   beginning  with   start,  and   then  prints   successive  numbers
incrementing  by incr  (default, one)  the  previous number.   It continues
until the generated value matches or exceeds stop. Each of start, stop, and
optional incr is a decimal integer with an optional leading `-' sign.

Typical uses of from include generating  a file of numbers and generating a
loop index for the shell.   The following example creates special files for
eight terminal ports:

for i in `from 0 to 7`
    /etc/mknod /dev/hs0$i c 7 $i

See Also



from prints an error message if the generated list is empty.