COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for for [Execute commands for tokens in list].

List of available manpages

for -- Command

Execute commands for tokens in list
for name [in token ...] do sequence done

The shell  command for controls  a loop.  It  assigns to the  variable name
each successive  token in the list,  and then executes the  commands in the
given sequence. If the in  clause is omitted, for successively assigns name
the  value  of each  positional  parameter to  the  current script  (`$@').
Because the  shell recognizes  a reserved word  only as the  unquoted first
word of a command, both do and done must either occur unquoted at the start
of a command or be preceded by ';'.

The shell  commands break and  continue may be  used to alter  control flow
within a for loop.

The shell executes for directly.

See Also
