COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for fnkey [Set/print function keys for the console].

List of available manpages

fnkey -- Command

Set/print function keys for the console
fnkey [ n [ string ] ]

The  console  keyboard  of  a  COHERENT  system includes  ten  programmable
function keys,  labeled F1 through F10. Initially,  these are programmed to
send the escape sequences set by the nkb keyboard driver.

The command  fnkey programs function  key Fn to  send string, where  n is a
number from  one through ten.   If no string  is given, fnkey  resets Fn to
send nothing.

With  no argument,  fnkey  prints the  current string  for each  programmed
function key.

fnkey  also lets  you  change the  default  bindings for  other special  or
function keys.  See Lexicon articles keyboard tables and nkb for details.


To  set function  key F2  to  execute the  COHERENT command  date, use  the
following command:

    fnkey 2 'date

If you  type fnkey without  any arguments, it  displays the binding  of all
function keys including the following:

    F2:  date\n



See Also



fnkey prints

    cannot open /dev/console

if you lack permission to open /dev/console.