COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for export [Add a shell variable to the environment].

List of available manpages

export -- Command

Add a shell variable to the environment
export [name ...]
export [name=value]

When the shell executes a command, it passes the command an environment. By
convention,  the environment  consists  of assignments,  each  of the  form
name=value. For example, typing

    export TERM=vt100

sets the environmental variable TERM to equal the string vt100.

A command may look for information  in the environment or may simply ignore
it.  In the above example, a  program that reads the variable TERM (such as
COHERENT) will assume that you are  working on a DEC VT-100 terminal or one
that emulates it.

The shell places the name and the value of each shell variable that appears
in  an  export  command  into  the  environment  of  subsequently  executed
commands.  It does not place a shell variable into the environment until it
appears in an export command.

With  no arguments,  export prints  the name  and the  value of  each shell
variable currently marked for export.

The shell executes export directly.

See Also
