COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for doscat [Concatenate a file on an MS-DOS file system].

List of available manpages

doscat -- Command

Concatenate a file on an MS-DOS file system
doscat device:[/directory/]file

doscat concatenates  file that  is in directory  on an MS-DOS  file system.
device names the floppy-disk or hard-disk device that holds the file system
to be  modified, e.g., /dev/fha0. You  can also build a  file of aliases so
that  you can  access the  drives  as a:,  b:, etc.   For details,  see the
Lexicon entry for doscp, which explains  how to set up defaults for the dos
family of commands.

file can name either a single  file, or can contain a wildcard character to
name more than one file.  For example, the command

    doscat a:foo.c

concatenates file  foo.c which  is on the  file system contained  in device
whose alias  is a: (as  defined in file  /etc/default/msdos). Likewise, the

    doscat 'c:/dirname/*.txt'

concatenates all files with the suffix .txt in directory dirname, which, in
turn,  is on  the file  system contained  in device whose  alias is  c: (as
defined in  file /etc/default/msdos). In  this form of  the command, doscat
concatenates the files in the alphabetical order of their names.  Note that
the tail of  the command must be enclosed within  apostrophes, or the shell
will expand the `*' before it is read by doscat.


/etc/default/msdos -- Setup file

See Also



doscat  does  not  understand compressed  MS-DOS  file  systems created  by
programs such as Stacker or MS-DOS  6.0 dblspace. If you are running MS-DOS
with file  compression, you must copy files to  an uncompressed file system
(for example,  to an uncompressed  floppy disk or to  the uncompressed host
for a compressed file system) to make them accessible to the doscat.