COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for chreq [Change priority, lifetime, or printer for a job].

List of available manpages

chreq -- Command

Change priority, lifetime, or printer for a job
chreq [-dprinter] [-llifetime] [-ppriority] job

The command chreq lets you change  the printer, lifetime, and priority of a
job,  which  identifies  a  print  job  spooled with  the  command  lp.  It
recognizes the following options:

        Move job to the queue for printer.

        Change the lifetime of job, where lifetime is one of T (temporary),
        S (short-term), or L (long-term).  Temporary  lifetime means that a
        job ``survives'' in the  spool directory for two  hours after being
        spooled; short-term means that it survives  48 hours; and long-term
        that it survives for 72 hours.  After a job's lifetime has expired,
        the print daemon lpsched removes it.

        Change the despooling priority of job  to priority, which is one of
        0 (highest  priority)  to  9  (lowest  priority).  Jobs  with  high
        priority are printed  before those with low  priority.  The default
        priority is 2.

See Also



You  can  reset  the  default  priority  for  print  jobs  by  setting  the
environmental variable MLP_PRIORITY.

chreq is available only under COHERENT release 4.2 and subsequent releases.