COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for case [Introduce entry in switch statement].

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case -- C Keyword

Introduce entry in switch statement

The C keyword case is a label within a switch statement.  For example:

    while ((int = getchar()) != EOF)
        switch (foo) {
        case 'q':
        case 'Q':
        case ' ':

case  labels  each of  the  three possibilities  recognized  by the  switch
statement:  a space,  `q',  and `Q'.   The  statements that  follow a  case
statement behave as if they were enclosed within braces.

Note that a case statement is  simply a label: it sets a point to which the
switch statement  jumps, and execution  continues from that  point.  Once a
switch statement jumps to the point marked by a given case label, execution
continues until an exit, break, or  return is read, or the closing brace of
the switch statement is encountered.

See Also

C keywords,
ANSI Standard, §