COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for accton [Enable/disable process accounting].

List of available manpages

accton -- Command

Enable/disable process accounting
/etc/accton [ file ]

One  of  the accounting  mechanisms  available on  the  COHERENT system  is
process accounting, Process  accounting records each process, who initiates
it, and how long it takes to execute.

The command  accton turns process  account on or  off.  To turn  on process
accounting, issue the command  accton followed by a file argument; COHERENT
then begin  to write accounting data into file,  By convention, file should
be /usr/adm/acct. To turn  off process accounting, issue the command accton
without any arguments.

The command sa summarizes the data that will have been written into file.

See Also



As the accounting file can become very large, you should truncate that file
from time  to time.  You  should take extra  care to monitor  the growth of
that file should  you enable process accounting on a  system with a limited
amount of free disk space.