COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for ac [Summarize login accounting information].

List of available manpages

ac -- Command

Summarize login accounting information
ac [ -dp ] [ -w wfile ][ username ... ]

One of the accounting mechanisms  available on the COHERENT system is login
accounting, which keeps track of the  time each user spends logged into the
system.  Login  accounting is enabled  by creating the  file /usr/adm/wtmp.
Thereafter, the routines date, login, and init write raw accounting data to
/usr/adm/wtmp to record the time, the name of the terminal, and the name of
the user for each date change, login, logout, or system reboot.

The command  ac summarizes  the accounting  data that have  accumulated for
your  system.   By default,  it  prints  the total  connect  time found  in
/usr/adm/wtmp. If  its command line includes a  user's login identifier, ac
prints a summary only of that user's activity.

ac recognizes the following command-line options:

-d Itemize the output into daily periods.  ac defines a day as beginning at

-p Print a summary for every user on your system.

-w Read data from wfile. By default, ac reads its data from /usr/adm/wtmp.

See Also



File /usr/adm/wtmp  can become very large;  therefore, you should truncated
it periodically.   Special care should  be taken if you  have enabled login
accounting and your system has limited amounts of free disk space.