Earthquake/Fire: Valencia St. Hotel
This page shows postcards with images of the Valencia St. Hotel on 4/18-19/1906.
Valencia St. Hotel has much more information about the hotel.
These cards use a photograph taken by M. Tanron
from a second floor window at 18th/Valencia
on the morning of 4/18/1906 (earthquake day).
The first two cards were mailed just a month after the earthquake and fire.
- Rieder, caption front right, postmarked Sacramento 5/22/1906.
Rieder-Cardinell, same image, caption front bottom, postmarked 5/27/1906
(location unreadable);
"Published by the Rieder-Cardinell Co., Los Angeles and Oakland"
added to caption.
- Unknown publisher, printed on very heavy stiff stock.
Charlton, postmarked LA 5/29/1906.
The unsightly blotch at left is in the print, not a stain on the card.
It could be smoke, as the fire must have been near when this photo was taken,
but the view looks south and the fire came from the north.
- A.H., same image but the postcard artist has removed the telephone poles.
Steve's SF postcard pages: