Publisher: Weidner
Number: 219
Caption: Ruins of the business portion
Type: divided back
Color: color
Use: mailed
Date: 08/22/1909
Addressee: Mrs. Wallace Monnett | Bueyrus [?] | Ohio
Message: [Front:] I would hardly recognize the old Frisco in the new - There are many vacant places in the city that look like this only they try to hide it with a high board fence - Blanche [Back left:] Monnett- We certainly appreciated the generous donation of candy - Hope to fill you up some time. We are saving one box to use on board ship unless a pain on our little insides prevents. We were glad you came down to see us off and were thankful for your offer to take us down in your carriage but we both had our Mothers to look after that morning & had to decline. Blanche & Maggie
Postmark: SF 8/22/1909
See also: note
Steve's SF postcard pages: