Publisher: Weidner
Number: 210
Caption: Refugees watching burning City
Type: divided back
Color: color
Use: mailed
Date: 02/20/1910
Addressee: Miss Anna Huelsman | Wright City | Mo. | R#2 Box 2
Location: Looking SE from Lafayette Park toward the corner of Gough/Sacramento
Messagee: 2-20-10 | U.S.S. South Dak, | San Francisco | Dear friend, | We leave here | Mar 1st for target practice | and will arrive again | on April to remain | for a couple of months | I remain | James A Cook | U.S.N.
Note: Image: afternoon of 4/19/1906
Postmark: U.S.S. South Dakota [date illegible but message dated 2/20/1910]
See also: dups note
Steve's SF postcard pages: