Publisher: Oakland Tribune
Number: [unnumbered]
Caption: Oakland Tribune Extra
Type: divided back
Color: color
Use: mailed
Date: 10/21/1907
Addressee: Miss Ethel Price | c/o Mrs. Price | Snohomish | Wash. | ['Snohomish' struck through, written in pencil:] Kirkland | R.F.D. #1 | c/o W.I. Evans
Message: Dear Ethel Just image your name at the had of an extra edition It look swell, -But.? Your cousin Frank. John [?] 6060 Colby Ave Oakland
Note: Front: 'Miss Ethel Price' written into space above 'is visiting...', 'She is here. Miss. Price' written into newsboy's speech balloon.
Postmark: [Back:] SF 10/21/1907, Snomish WA 10/23/1907; [Front:] Seattle WA 10/25/1907
Steve's SF postcard pages: