Publisher: Mitchell
Number: 210
Caption: Chinese Women at Sutro Heights
Type: divided back
Color: color
Use: mailed
Date: 03/15/1909
Addressee: [Back left:] Miss Orra Francisco, | Oraway, Michigan
Message: [Back right, upside down:] Ventura, Cal., March 14, 1909 Dear Orra: Thank you for the pretty card. We were glad to hear from you. How are you, and how are your Mama and Inez? Does Inez still think of coming to California? We are having such beautiful weather, and the flowers are lovely. My nephew, his wife and little child, from Grand Rapids, visited us last month, but it rained nearly all the time they were here. Not as unpleasant as Mich winters though! With love to Miss Harrison and yourself. Tell her I would like to see her. Yours sincerely, Myrtle C. Hovey. (Made a mistake and wrote the message in the wrong place!)
Postmark: Ventura
Comments: stamp missing; top corners repaired
See also: dups note
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