Anders Ness

To date I have found 1865 (MN), 1870, 1875 (MN), and 1880 census records for my great-great-grandfather Anders Anderson Ness (1821-1890) and his family.

The naming of cats is a difficult matter, Eliot writes, and no less difficult is the naming of 19th century Norwegian immigrants to the U.S. In the early 1800s, many Norwegians did not have family names, just a first name and a patronymic (e.g., "Anderson" for son of Anders). The name of the farm (gård) where one lived was sometimes appended, but used more like an address than like a family name; it changed if one moved to a different farm. It was customary for the firstborn son to be named for his grandfather and the next son for the other grandfather (sometimes even if both grandfathers had the same first name!), and similarly for daughters/grandmothers. Names of deceased siblings or children were often reused.

Once in the U.S., a Norwegian immigrant needed a family name for immigation officials and census takers, sometimes choosing the patronymic and sometimes the farm name, often with variations in spelling over time. Starting ca. 1875, the Norwegian-American press encouraged immigrants to use their Norwegian farm name as their American family name. Due to all these factors, tracing individuals through census records is complicated.

As explained on my genealogy page, two of my distant relatives have traced my Norwegian ancestry in detail. My great-great-great-grandfather, great-great-grandfather, and great-grandfather were all Norwegian born and all named Anders (Americanized as Andrew):

The census records on this page all identify my great-great-grandfather as Andrew Anderson, not Anders Ness. His son Andrew Ness is Andrew Anderson on the 1865/1870/1880 census forms, but Andrew Ness (with creative spelling variations) on 1885/1895 forms. Similarly, my great-great-grandfather Peder Highum is Peter Peterson on 1865/1870 forms, Peder Pederson on the 1875 form, and Peter P. Highum (an Americanization of Høgheim) on the 1880 form.


Minnesota State Census, 1865   Fillmore Pilot Mound
 Image 1 of 8, starting #3
 [No further details (e.g., age) in original.]
Andrew Anderson  Male   White 3
Ann Anderson     Female White 3
Peter Anderson   Male   White 3
Andrew Anderson  Male   White 3
Malena Anderson  Female White 3
Sulphus Anderson Male   White 3
Elias Anderson   Male   White 3
Ole Anderson     Male   White 3
Nels Anderson    Male   White 3


[SAN's great-great-grandfather Andrew [Anders] Anderson [Ness], wife Annie (Anna), 9 kids:]
US Census 1870 >> MN >> Fillmore >> Pilot Mount, images 3+4 of 14, lines 34-40 + 1-4:
 [Value of farm: 2800; value of estate: 1050; Andrew Sr. is male citizen over 21.]
Andrew Anderson  1870 Male   49 White 1820-1821 Norway    5
Annie Anderson   1870 Female 49 White 1820-1821 Norway    5
Peter Anderson   1870 Male   20 White 1849-1850 Norway    5
Andrew Anderson  1870 Male   18 White 1851-1852 Norway    5
Eliza Anderson   1870 Female 16 White 1853-1854 Wisconsin 5
Solfact Anderson 1870 Male   13 White 1856-1857 Wisconsin 5
Elias Anderson   1870 Male   10 White 1859-1860 Wisconsin 5
Ole Anderson     1870 Male    8 White 1861-1862 Minnesota 6
Nels Anderson    1870 Male    5 White 1864-1865 Minnesota 6
Andreas Anderson 1870 Male    4 White 1865-1866 Minnesota 6
Petrea Anderson  1870 Female  6 White 1863-1864 Minnesota 6
[Parents Anders/Anna born/married in Norway; kids Peder/Anders born Norway 1849-1852, later kids in US;
 emigated 1853 to Dane County WI, then to Fillmore County MN ca. 1861.]


[SAN's great-great-grandfather Anders Anderson [Ness], wife Anne (Anna), 6 kids:]
MN State Census 1875 >> Fillmore >> Pilot Mount, image 13 of 16, lines 15-21:
Andrew Anderson  Pilot Mound, Fillmore, Minnesota 54  1821 Norway Norway Norway     White Male   0565720
Anne Anderson    Pilot Mound, Fillmore, Minnesota 49  1826 Norway Norway Norway     White Female 0565720
Malina Anderson  Pilot Mound, Fillmore, Minnesota 20  1855 Norway Norway Wisconsin  White Female 0565720
Salfast Anderson Pilot Mound, Fillmore, Minnesota 18  1857 Norway Norway Wisconsin  White Male   0565720
Elias Anderson   Pilot Mound, Fillmore, Minnesota 15  1860 Norway Norway Wisconsin  White Male   0565720
Ole Anderson     Pilot Mound, Fillmore, Minnesota 12  1863 Norway Norway Minnesota  White Male   0565720
Nels Anderson    Pilot Mound, Fillmore, Minnesota 11  1864 Norway Norway Minnesota  White Male   0565720
Andreas Anderson Pilot Mound, Fillmore, Minnesota  8  1867 Norway Norway Minnesota  White Male   0565720
 [1870 US vs. 1875 MN: Eliza -> Malina, Solfact -> Salfast, no Petrea.
  Elder sons Peter and Andrew (SAN's great-grandfather b. 1852) not listed here, presumably out of house already.
  Doesn't quite line up with children listed at]


US Census 1880 >> MN >> Fillmore >> Pilot Mound >> ED 73, image 19 of 21, lines 28-34:
Andrew Anderson  Male   59 Married White Farmer        Self     1821 Norway    Norway Norway C 271 0 1
Anne Anderson    Female 53 Married White Keeping House Wife     1827 Norway    Norway Norway C 271 1 1
Malina Anderson  Female 25 Single  White At Home       Daughter 1855 Wisconsin Norway Norway C 271 2 1
Elias Anderson   Male   20 Single  White At Home       Son      1860 Wisconsin Norway Norway C 271 3 1
Ole Anderson     Male   17 Single  White At Home       Son      1863 Minnesota Norway Norway C 271 4 1
Nels Anderson    Male   16 Single  White At School     Son      1864 Minnesota Norway Norway C 271 5 1
Andreas Anderson Male   13 Single  White At School     Son      1867 Minnesota Norway Norway C 271 6 1

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