This page lists 6 Earplay performances of works by composer Tristan Murail.

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Date Composer Work Year Performers
02/23/1998 Tristan Murail Le Barque mystique 1993 George Thomson, Janet Kutulas, Peter Josheff, Carla Kihlstedt, Robin Bonnell, Karen Rosenak US premiere
03/06/1998 Tristan Murail Le Barque mystique 1993 George Thomson, Janet Kutulas, Peter Josheff, Carla Kihlstedt, Robin Bonnell, John McGinn
02/11/2019 Tristan Murail Paludes 2011 Tod Brody, Peter Josheff, Terrie Baune, Ellen Ruth Rose, Leighton Fong, Mary Chun US premiere
04/08/2019 Tristan Murail Les Ruines circulaires 2006 Peter Josheff, Terrie Baune US premiere
04/08/2019 Tristan Murail Garrigue 2008 Tod Brody, Julie Michael, Thalia Moore, Kevin Neuhoff West Coast premiere
05/20/2019 Tristan Murail Treize Couleurs du soleil couchant 1978 Tod Brody, Peter Josheff, Terrie Baune, Thalia Moore, Brenda Tom, Mary Chun