COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for varargs.h [Declare/define routines for variable arguments].

List of available manpages

varargs.h -- Header File

Declare/define routines for variable arguments
#include <varargs.h>

The header file  <varargs.h> prototypes and defines the routines used
to manage variable arguments.  These routines are modelled after those used
in UNIX  System V.   The routines  in varargs.h were  designed to give  a C
compiler a semi-rational way of dealing with functions (e.g., printf())
that can  take a  variable number of  arguments.  In brief,  these routines
consist  of the  variable-list typedef  va_list, the  parameter declaration
va_dcl, and the three macros va_start(), va_arg(), and va_end(). The macros
respectively start  the argument list,  fetch the next member,  and end the
argument list.

See Also

header files,


These routines  are also implemented  in the header  file <stdarg.h>,
which  is  described  in the  ANSI  Standard.   For  details  on how  these
implementations differ, see the entry for stdarg.h.