COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for uutry [Debugging script for UUCP].

List of available manpages

uutry -- Command

Debugging script for UUCP
uutry remotesystem [-xdebuglevel]"

The command uutry is a  script that invokes uucico to contact remotesystem,
and  records  all  debugging  information  that  uucico  generates.   uutry
redirects  the debugging  information  into file  audit.local in  directory
/usr/spool/uucp/.Admin.  If such  a file already  exists, uutry  renames it
audit.OLD before it invokes uucico.

The option  argument -x sets the  debugging level to debuglevel.  This is a
number from zero through nine;  for information on what the debugging level
means, see the  Lexicon entry for the command uucico.  The default level is

See Also



For security reasons uutry can be run only by the superuser root.