COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for uurmlock [Remove UUCP lock files].

List of available manpages

uurmlock -- Command

Remove UUCP lock files

UUCP uses  a system  of lock files  to ensure that  sites are polled  in an
orderly manner.  It creates a lock  file named after the site being polled,
to prevent more than one invocation  of uucico or another UUCP command from
polling the  same site  at the  same time.  On  occasion, if UUCP  fails or
crashes, it will neglect to clean up its lock files, thus preventing itself
from polling the locked sites.

The command  uurmlock removes all lock  files.  You should run  this if you
suspect that UUCP  has died in a disorderly manner  and has left lock files
lying around unattended.

Before you  run uurmlock, examine  the output of  the command ps  to ensure
that no  UUCP command  is running  at the moment  (and so  has legitimately
locked a site).


/usr/spool/uucp/LCK.* -- UUCP lock files

See Also



Only the superuser root can run uurmlock.

Note that uurmlock removes all  .LCK files from /usr/spool/uucp. Not all of
these  are used  by UUCP;  however,  this behavior  is necessary  to remain
compatible with UNIX, and is almost always benign.