COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for uupick [Pick up a file uploaded from a remote system].

List of available manpages

uupick -- Command

Pick up a file uploaded from a remote system
/usr/bin/uupick [-s system] [-I file] [-x event] file ...

The command uupick lets you ``pick up'' each file that has been uploaded to
your system via  UUCP.  It moves the file into  your current directory from
whence it was copied on your system.  It usually used to acquire files that
had been sent to your system via the script uuto.

uupick recognizes the following command-line options:

     Print a help message, and exit.

-I file
--config file
     Read configuration  information from file instead  of from the default
     configuration file.

-s system
--system system
     ``Pick up'' only files uploaded from system.

     Print the version of uupick that you are running, and exit.

-x activity

     Log a given activity. uupick recognizes the following activities:

          abnormal       chat           config
          execute        handshake      incoming
          outgoing       port           proto
          spooldir       uucp-proto

     One -x  option can name  multiple activities, separated  by commas.  A
     uupick command line can contain more than -x option.

See Also



uupick was written by Ian Taylor (