COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for uumvlog [Archive UUCP log files].

List of available manpages

uumvlog -- Command

Archive UUCP log files
uumvlog days

uumvlog  copies all  UUCP  log files  into  backup files,  named for  their
respective commands and the date upon which the backup was performed.  days
gives the number of days for which backup files should be kept: if a backup
file is more than days days old, then uumvlog will delete it.

This command should be run by cron, because the UUCP log files can threaten
to exhaust available  file space on a small system  unless they are chopped
back daily.


/usr/spool/uucp/.Log/command/system -- UUCP log files

See Also



uumvlog  manages  the   log  files  under  directory  /usr/spool/uucp/.Log.
However, it  does not touch the files  in /usr/spool/uucp/.Admin. These can
grow quite large if unattended.  At present, you must manage these files by