COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for uuinstall [Install or modify UUCP].

List of available manpages

uuinstall -- Command

Install or modify UUCP

uuinstall help you to install UUCP on your COHERENT system.  It uses screen
templates, help lines, and prompts  to walk you through the installation of
devices,  remote systems,  site  names, domains,  and  permissions.  For  a
detailed description of  its use, see the tutorial on  UUCP in the front of
this manual.

See Also



Only the superuser root can execute uuinstall.

On some  terminals, the arrow keys  do not move the  cursor.  In this case,
you can use vi-style cursor-movement keys:

    H   Move the cursor left
    K   Move the cursor up
    L   Move the cursor right
    J   Move the cursor down