COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for uucpname [Set the system's UUCP name].

List of available manpages

uucpname -- System Administration

Set the system's UUCP name

The file /etc/uucpname  sets the name by which your  system is known to all
other system  with which it communicates via UUCP.   To rename your system,
simply change the contents of this file.

The contents  of /etc/uucpname is,  in effect, your system's  nom de plume.
It  should be  unique (or  as unique as  possible), easily  remembered, and
preferably in  good taste.  Examples  of existing systems  include lepanto,
smiles, and  stevesf. You  should avoid  names taken from  popular culture,
such as calvin, hobbes, or  terminator: many other people have already used

Note that system names must obey the following rules:

-> UUCP names must be no more than 14 characters long.

-> Names must consist of  letters and numbers.  No punctuation marks, white
   space, control characters, or diacritic marks are permitted.

-> Each name must begin with a letter.

If you wish for your system to communicate with other systems in the world-
wide UUCP network, you should follow the following restrictions as well:

-> UUCP names should be contain no more than seven characters.

-> They should use only lower-case letters and digits.

If you  are connecting to  other machines we  recommend that you  acquire a
registered Fully Qualified Domain  Name.  Every person in the United States
may   register   in    the   .us   domain.    Send   mail   to   us-domain- for information on this.  If you wish to create your
own  domain (e.g.,,  send mail  to  for
information on this.

See Also

Administering COHERENT,


Only the superuser root can edit /etc/uucpname.