COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for uuchk [Check UUCP configuation].

List of available manpages

uuchk -- Command

Check UUCP configuation
/usr/lib/uucp/uuchk [-Ifile] [v] [--help]

The command  uuchk reads the UUCP configuration files  sys, port, and dial,
and generates  a report on the configuration for  each remote system listed
in sys.  You can use this  report to repair problems  in your configuration

The following gives sample output for system mwcbbs:

     Call out using port intel.slow at speed 2400
     The possible ports are:
      Port name intel.slow
       Port type modem
       Device /dev/com3fl
       Speed 2400
       Carrier available
       Hardware flow control available
       Dialer intel.slow
        Chat script "" AT\s&C1\s&D2\sE1\sM1\sQ0\sS0=0\sV1\sDP\D CONNECT\s2400
        Chat script timeout 60
        Chat failure strings BUSY NO\sCARRIER NO\sANSWER
        Chat script incoming bytes stripped to seven bits
        Wait for dialtone ,
        Pause while dialing ,
        Carrier available
        Wait 60 seconds for carrier
        When complete chat script "" \d+++\dAT\sH0\sE0\sV0\sQ1\sM0\sS0=1
        When complete chat script timeout 60
        When complete chat script incoming bytes stripped to seven bits
        When aborting chat script "" \d+++\dAT\sH0\sE0\sV0\sQ1\sM0\sS0=1
        When aborting chat script timeout 60
        When aborting chat script incoming bytes stripped to seven bits
     Phone number 17085590445
     Chat script "" \r\d\r in:--in: nuucp word: public word: 127417124
     Chat script timeout 10
     Chat script incoming bytes stripped to seven bits
     At any time may call if any work
     May make local requests when calling
     May make local requests when called
     May send by local request: /
     May send by remote request: /usr/spool/uucppublic /tmp
     May accept by local request: ~
     May receive by remote request: /usr/spool/uucppublic /tmp
     May execute rmail uucp
     Execution path /bin /usr/bin /usr/local/bin
     Will leave 50000 bytes available
     Public directory is /usr/spool/uucppublic
     Will use protocols g
     For protocol g will use the following parameters
      window 3
      packet-size 64

uuchk recognizes the following command-line options:

     Use  file instead  of the standard  configuration files.   This option
     lets  you sanity-check  a  new configuration  file  without having  to
     install it.

     Print the version of uuchk and exit.

     Print a help message, and exit.

See Also
