COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for ustat() [Get statistics on a file system].

List of available manpages

ustat() -- System Call (libc)

Get statistics on a file system
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <ustat.h>
int ustat (device, buffer)
dev_t device;
struct ustat *buffer;

The COHERENT  system call ustat() returns information  about a mounted file
system.  device  names the  device upon which  the file system  is mounted.
buffer points  to a structure  of type ustat, which  contains the following

     daddr_t   f_tfree;       /* number of free blocks */
     ino_t     f_tinode;      /* number of free i-nodes */
     char      f_fname[6];    /* name of the file system */
     char      f_fpack[6];    /* pack name of the file system */

Useful information may not be  available for fields f_fname and f_fpack; in
that case, they are initialized to nuls.

ustat() returns  zero if all goes  well; otherwise, it returns  -1 and sets
errno to an  appropriate value.  ustat() can fail for  any of the following

-> device does not contain a mounted file system.

-> buffer points to an illegal address.

-> The kernel caught a signal while it was executing the call.

See Also



ustat() is largely superceded by statfs().