COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for uname [Print information about COHERENT].

List of available manpages

uname -- Command

Print information about COHERENT
uname [ -amnrsv ]
uname [ -S systemname ]

The command  uname prints information  about the current  implementation of
COHERENT.  It recognizes the following options:

-a Print all information.

-m Print the  machine on which this implementation  of COHERENT is running.
   This always defaults to the Intel 80386.

-n Print the name of your system, as set in the file /etc/uucpname.

-r Print the release of your copy of COHERENT.

-s Print the system name.

-S Change the system name.  systemname is restricted to eight characters.

-v Print the version of COHERENT.


The  following script  uses uname  to  implement a  version of  the Sun  OS
command hostname. It is by Cy Schubert (

    #!/bin/sh -
    # hostname - display or change the name of the host system
    case $# in
        0)    uname -n;;
        1)    uname -S $1;;
        *)    echo Usage: hostname [new_hostname]
              exit 1;;

See Also
