COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for tzset() [Set the local time zone].

List of available manpages

tzset() -- Time Function (libc)

Set the local time zone
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
void tzset()
extern long timezone; char *tzname[2][16];

tzset() is one of the suite  of COHERENT functions that control and display
the system's  time.  It searches for  the environmental parameter TIMEZONE,
which gives  information on the  local time zone.  For  more information on
TIMEZONE, see its Lexicon entry.

If TIMEZONE is set, tzset() initializes the external variables timezone and
tzname. timezone  contains the number of seconds to  be subtracted from GMT
to  obtain local  standard  time.  tzname[0]  and  tzname[1] are  character
arrays that  hold, respectively, the names of the  local standard time zone
and the local daylight-saving time  zone.  If TIMEZONE is not set, timezone
defaults to zero, tzname[0] to GMT, and tzname[1] to the empty string.

See Also

time [overview],


tzset()  used to  be  named settz().  It  has been  renamed  to conform  to
published standards.