COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for typeset [Set/list variables and their attributes].

List of available manpages

typeset -- Command

Set/list variables and their attributes
typeset [+-]fr
typeset [ irx ] variable=value

The command typeset is built into  the Korn shell ksh. It sets or lists all
variables and their attributes.

When called  with an argument of the form  variable=value, it sets variable
variable to value. The following options modify variable or value:

    i   Store value as an integer
    r   Make variable read-only
    x   Export variable to the environment

When  called without  an argument,  typeset lists  all variables  and their
attributes.  When  called with one  of the following options,  it lists the
variables of  the appropriate  type.  When prefixed  with a hyphen  `-', it
prints the variable plus its value;  when prefixed with a plus sign `+', it
prints the variable alone:

    f   List functions instead of variables
    r   List read-only variables

See Also
