COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for tgoto() [Read/interpret termcap cursor-addressing string].

List of available manpages

tgoto() -- termcap Function (libterm)

Read/interpret termcap cursor-addressing string
#include <curses.h>
#include <term.h>
char *tgoto(cm, destcol, destline)
char *cm; int scrcol, scrline;

tgoto()  is  one  of a  set  of  functions  that  read a  termcap  terminal
description.   It decodes  a cursor-addressing string  from the  cm termcap
feature, and writes it onto the screen, at column scrcol and line destline.
tgoto() uses the external variables UP  (from the up feature) and BC (if bc
is given rather than bs) if  it is necessary to avoid placing \n, <ctrl-
D>,  or  <ctrl-@>  into  the  returned string.   Programs  calling
tgoto() should turn  off the XTABS bits, as tgoto()  may write a tab.  If a
`%' sequence is given that is not understood, tgoto() returns ``OOPS''.


/etc/termcap -- Terminal capabilities data base
/usr/lib/libterm.a -- Function library

See Also
