COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for tgetstr() [Get termcap string entry].

List of available manpages

tgetstr() -- termcap Function (libterm)

Get termcap string entry
#include <curses.h>
#include <term.h>
char *tgetstr(name, area)
char *name, **area;

tgetstr()  is one  of  a set  of  functions that  read  a termcap  terminal
description.  It reads the string value of feature name from the terminal's
termcap description, and writes it into the buffer at address area. It also
advances the value of the pointer to area.

tgetstr()  decodes the  abbreviations for  the fields  used in  the termcap
entry, except for padding and for cursor-addressing information.


/etc/termcap -- Terminal capabilities data base
/usr/lib/libterm.a -- Function library

See Also
