COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for stune [Set values of tunable kernel variables].

List of available manpages

stune -- System Administration

Set values of tunable kernel variables

File stune  names each  tunable variable within  the kernel, and  gives the
value to which it is actually set.  Command idmkcoh reads this file when it
builds  a   new  kernel,  and  uses  its  contents   to  patch  the  kernel

Each entry  within this  file has  two fields.  The  first field  names the
variable; the name  must match that given in stune.  The second field gives
the value  of the variable;  this value must  fall between the  minimum and
maximum values given in stune.

If a line begins with a pound sign `#', it is a comment and idmkcoh ignores
it.  If  a tunable  variable is  not named in  this file, idmkcoh  uses the
default value given in stune.

See Also

Administering COHERENT,
device drivers,