COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for strings [Print all character strings from a file].

List of available manpages

strings -- Command

Print all character strings from a file
strings [-dopx] [-length] [file ... ]

strings looks for ASCII strings in  a binary file.  A ``string'' is defined
as any  sequence of four  or more printable characters.   strings is useful
for  identifying  unknown object  files,  or for  looking  at the  messages
printed  by commands.   You can  also use  it as  a filter  if file  is not

strings recognizes the following command-line options:

-d  Precede each string by its offset in the file in decimal.

-o  Precede each string by its offset in the file in octal.

-p  Strip  the  parity  bits of  all  characters  in  the  string prior  to

-x  Precede each string by its offset in the file in hexadecimal.

Finally, the  option -length  forces strings to  use length as  the minimum
length for a printable string.

See Also
