COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for STREAMS [COHERENT implementation of STREAMS].

List of available manpages

STREAMS -- Definition

COHERENT implementation of STREAMS

Beginning with  release 4.2, COHERENT  supports STREAMS.  This  is a system
that helps  programmers create system-independent  device-drivers.  STREAMS
replaces  most  of  the  kernel-accessible  routines  that  are  unique  to

For details on the COHERENT implementation of STREAMS, and for summaries of
the STREAMS  routines, see the  manual that comes  with release 2.2  of the
COHERENT Device-Driver Kit.

To add the  STREAMS driver to your kernel (should  it not already have it),
log in as the superuser root and then enter the following commands:

    cd /etc/conf
    bin/idmkcoh -o /kernel_name

where kernel_name names the new kernel to build.  Then reboot to invoke the
newly built kernel_name.

See Also

device drivers,
Programming COHERENT,