COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for stdlib.h [Declare/define general functions].

List of available manpages

stdlib.h -- Header File

Declare/define general functions
#include <stdlib.h>

stdlib.h  is a  header  file that  is  defined in  the  ANSI Standard.   It
declares a  set of general utilities and defines  attending macros and data
types, as follows.


div_t..........Type of object returned by div
ldiv_t.........Type of object returned by ldiv

Manifest Constants

EXIT_FAILURE...Value to indicate that program failed to execute properly
EXIT_SUCCESS...Value to indicate that program executed properly
MB_CUR_MAX.....Largest size of multibyte character in current locale
MB_LEN_MAX.....Largest overall size of multibyte character in any locale
RAND_MAX.......Largest size of pseudo-random number


abort()........End program immediately
abs()..........Compute the absolute value of an integer
atof().........Convert string to floating-point number
atoi().........Convert string to integer
atol().........Convert string to long integer
bsearch()......Search an array
calloc().......Allocate dynamic memory
div()..........Perform integer division
exit().........Terminate a program gracefully
free().........De-allocate dynamic memory to free memory pool
getenv().......Read environmental variable
labs().........Compute the absolute value of a long integer
ldiv().........Perform long integer division
malloc().......Allocate dynamic memory
qsort()........Sort an array
rand().........Generate pseudo-random numbers
realloc()......Reallocate dynamic memory
srand()........Seed the random-number generator
strtod().......Convert string to floating-point number
strtol().......Convert string to long integer
strtoul()......Convert string to unsigned long integer
system().......Suspend a program and execute another

See Also

header files
ANSI Standard, §7.10