COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for split [Split a text file into smaller files].

List of available manpages

split -- Command

Split a text file into smaller files
split [-lines][-ccount][infile [outfile] ]

split divides  a file into a  number of smaller files.   This is especially
useful  for  dividing  text  files  into  chunks that  can  be  managed  by
MicroEMACS or  similar editors,  or for  dividing binary files  into chunks
that can be easily transmitted via UUCP.

split  uses infile  as its  input  file if  given; otherwise,  it uses  the
standard input.  If infile is `-', split uses the standard input.

split  puts  its output  into  files  with names  prefixed  by outfile  and
suffixed  consecutively with  aa, ab,  ac,  and so  on.  If  no outfile  is
specified, file names are prefixed with x.

Normally, split puts 1,000 lines in  each output file.  This default may be
changed for text files by the  option -lines, where lines gives the desired
number of lines  per file.  When using split on  binary files, the argument
count to the  -c option lets you specify the  number of characters to place
into each output file.

See Also
