COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for sigset() [Specify action to take upon receipt of a given signal].

List of available manpages

sigset() -- System Call (libc)

Specify action to take upon receipt of a given signal
#include <signal.h>
void (*sigset (sigtype, function))()
int sigtype;
void (*function)();

sigset()  tells the  signal handler  what  to do  when the  current process
receives signal sigtype.

sigtype  identifies the  signal  being sought.   For a  list of  recognized
signals, see the Lexicon entry  for signal(). Note that the signal SIGKILL,
which kills a process, can be neither caught nor ignored.

function points  to the function  to be executed when  sigtype is received.
This can  be a function  of your own  creation; or you  can use one  of the
following macros, which expand into pointers to system-defined functions:

     This  is the  default action.   The process terminates  just as  if it
     called the function exit(). In addition, the system writes a core file
     in the  current working directory if sigtype is  any of the following:
     SIGQUIT, SIGSYS, SIGTRAP,  SIGSEGV, or SIGSYS. For more information on
     core files, see the Lexicon entry core.

     Ignore sigtype. The system discards all signals of this type.

     Hold sigtype. The signal is held until the process calls sigrelse() to
     release it.   Once the signal is released, it  is processed as defined
     by sigset().  Only one ``copy''  of sigtype can  be held at  any given

If  all goes  well, sigset()  returns  a pointer  to the  routine that  had
previously been in place to process sigtype. If something goes wrong (e.g.,
sigtype  is not  defined in  signal.h), sigset()  returns SIG_ERR  and sets
errno to an appropriate value.

sigset() Versus signal()

The  COHERENT system  also  include the  system call  signal(), which  also
handles  signals.  signal()  predates  sigset() and  its related  functions
sighold(),  sigignore(),  sigpause(),  and  sigrelse().  You  should  never
combine  signal() with  the sigset()  family of functions:  use one  or the
other, but not both.

The sigset() functions differ from  signal() in the way they handle signals
while a  signal is being processed:  signal() automatically invokes SIG_DFL
for  sigtype while  its  function is  executing; whereas  sigset() and  its
related functions invoke SIG_HOLD.

Thus,  with  signal(),  sending signal  sigtype  to  a  program while  that
signal's  function is  already executing will  trigger the  default action,
which in  most instances is to exit from  the program.  The signal-handling
function itself  can call signal() to reset the  signal-handler to point to
itself  or another  function; however,  there remains  a brief  interval of
vulnerability between the time the signal-processing function is called and
the time  it calls signal() to program the  signal handler.  With sigset(),
however, if another sigtype  is received while its function processing, the
signal  handler holds  it,  and releases  it  automatically after  function

sigset() also differs from signal()  in the way in which the signal-handler
is  reset once  sigtype  has been  processed.  With  signal(), function  is
automatically  reset to  SIG_DFL just  before a signal  of type  sigtype is
processed.  If  you wish  sigtype always to  be processed by  function, you
must explicitly  re-invoke signal()  for sigtype within  function. However,
the sigset()  family of routines  always process sigtype by  the routine to
which function points until you explicitly change it.

See Also



Functions called  from within a  signal handler should  be re-entrant; this
includes the standard I/O library.  Thus, in general, it is not a good idea
to call printf()  from inside a signal handler.  The  risk is that a signal
will  arrive while  the main  program  is updating  a static  structure, or
calling malloc(); then the signal handler will run when something is not in
a consistent state, with unpredictable results.