COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for sigfillset() [Initialize a set of signals].

List of available manpages

sigfillset() -- Signal Function (libc)

Initialize a set of signals
#include <signal.h>
int sigfillset (set)
sigset_t *set;

sigfillset() is  one of a set of signalling  functions that manipulate data
objects addressable  by the application, instead of a  set of signals known
to the system.  It initializes the set of signals to which set points, such
that all standard signals are included.

sigfillset()  returns zero  if  all goes  well.   If a  problem occurs,  it
returns -1 and sets errno to an appropriate value.

Applications must  call either sigemptyset() or  sigfillset() at least once
for each  object of type  sigset_t prior to  any other object.   If such an
object is  not initialized in this  way, but is supplied  as an argument to
any of the  functions sigaddset(), sigdelset(), sigismember(), sigaction(),
sigprocmask(), sigpending(), or sigsuspend(), the results are undefined.

See Also



If  your program  is  compiled using  the  System V  Release 4  compilation
environment, this  is a  function that  is linked in  from libc. If  not, a
macro form is used.