COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for setupterm() [Initialize a terminal].

List of available manpages

setupterm() -- terminfo Function

Initialize a terminal
#include <curses.h>
char *term;
int fd, *errret;

COHERENT  comes  with  a  set  of  functions  that  let  you  use  terminfo
descriptions  to manipulate a  terminal.  setupterm()  initializes terminal
capabilities for terminal  type term, which is accessed via file-descriptor
fd.  It  inhales all capabilities  at once, and performs  all other system-
dependent initialization -- which is one reason why terminfo is much faster
than termcap.

If  term is  initialized  to NULL,  setupterm()  uses the  contents of  the
environmental variable TERM as a default.

errret points  to an integer  into which setupterm()  writes the terminal's
status: zero if there is no such terminal type, one if all went well, or -1
if something has gone wrong.  If erret is NULL, setupterm() prints an error
message and exits if the terminal cannot be found.

See Also
