COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for script [Capture a terminal session into a file].

List of available manpages

script -- Command

Capture a terminal session into a file
script [-l logfile] [command]

The  COHERENT command  script executes command  while copying  all terminal
output  to  logfile.  logfile defaults  to  file  in your  current
directory, where pid is the  number of the recording process.  command must
specify a  full path name.   If the terminal echoes  keyboard input, script
records these keystrokes in logfile.

If  no  command is  specified,  script executes  the  command specified  by
environmental variable  SHELL by default.  If SHELL  is not defined, script
assumes /bin/sh.

To exit from script, just type exit from a command prompt.

See Also



script  is intended  to capture  what you type  for purposes  of debugging.
What it captures cannot be replayed into the shell.