COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for reprint [Reprint a spooled print job].

List of available manpages

reprint -- Command

Reprint a spooled print job
reprint [job [page [page] ] ]

The command  reprint reprints each spooled job, where  job identifies a job
spooled with the command lp. If  you do not specify a job, reprint reprints
the job that you spooled most recently.

If you  specify a page, reprint  will attempt to reprint  the document from
that page  to its end.  If  you specify two pages,  reprint will attempt to
reprint the document from the first page to the second.

Note that the printer daemon  lpsched identifies pages by counting lines of
input, so  this feature works  only with straight  text.  It does  not work
correctly with ``cooked'' input, such as files of PostScript or PCL.

See Also



You  should be  very careful  that jobs to  print sensitive  information --
e.g., the payroll checks or your resume -- do not linger in spool directory
where other  users can reprint them.  For information  on resetting a job's
lifetime, see  the Lexicon  entries for  chreq, printer, and  MLP_LIFE. The
article controls describes how  to change the default life expectancies for
spooled jobs.