COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for regerror() [Return an error message from a regular-expression function].

List of available manpages

regerror() -- Regular-Expression Function (libc)

Return an error message from a regular-expression function
#include <regexp.h>
void regerror(message)
char *message;

Function regerror() is the function that is called by default when an error
is  detected   in  any  of  the   regular-expression  functions  regcomp(),
regexec(), or  regsub(). It prints message  onto the standard-error device,
plus some text to indicate whence the message originates; then calls exit()
to abort the program in which the error occurred.

You are  not obliged to use  regerror() to report an  error with a regular-
expression function.  You can substitute another function of your choosing,
should you prefer.

See Also
