COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for reboot [Reboot the COHERENT system].

List of available manpages

reboot -- Command

Reboot the COHERENT system
/etc/reboot [ -p ]

reboot reboots the COHERENT system.  The  option -p prompts the user if she
really wishes to reboot before executing the reboot.

reboot can be run only by the superuser root.

The COHERENT  system can be rebooted  only from the console.   It should be
rebooted only while in  single-user mode.  Failure to return to single-user
mode before  rebooting could  damage the  COHERENT file system  and destroy

See Also



No  message is  broadcast  unless the  command shutdown  had been  executed
before invoking reboot.