COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for readdir() [Read a directory stream].

List of available manpages

readdir() -- General Function (libc)

Read a directory stream
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <dirent.h>
struct dirent *readdir(dirp)
DIR *dirp;

The COHERENT function  readdir() is one of a set  of COHERENT routines that
manipulate  directories  in  a  device-independent  manner.  It  reads  the
directory stream pointed to by  dirp and returns information about the next
active entry within the stream.  It does not report on inactive entries.

readdir() returns  a pointer to a structure of  type dirent, which contains
information about  the next active  entry within the  stream.  The internal
structure may  be overwritten  by another  operation on the  same directory
stream.   The amount  of  memory needed  to  hold a  copy  of the  internal
structure  is given  by  the value  of  a macro,  DIRENTSIZ(strlen(direntp-
>d_name)), not by sizeof(struct dirent) as one might expect.

readdir() returns  NULL if  it has  reached the end  of the  directory, has
detected an  invalid location within  the directory, or if  an error occurs
while it is reading the directory.  If an error occurs, readdir() exits and
sets errno to an appropriate value.


For an example of this function, see the Lexicon entry for opendir().

See Also

POSIX Standard, §5.1.2


The dirent  routines buffer directories; and  because directory entries can
appear  and  disappear  as  other  users  manipulate  the  directory,  your
application  should continually  rescan  a directory  to  keep an  accurate
picture of its active entries.

The COHERENT implementation of the dirent routines was written by D. Gwynn.