COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for pututline() [Write a record into a logging file].

List of available manpages

pututline() -- General Function (libc)

Write a record into a logging file
#include <utmp.h>
struct utmp *pututline(record)
const struct utmp *record;

Function pututline()  writes record into  the file that  logs login events.
It is designed to update a record within the logging file.

record points to  the record to be insert into  the logging file.  It is of
type utmp, which is a structure  whose fields describe a login event.  (For
a  detailed  description  of this  structure,  see  the  Lexicon entry  for

pututline() assumes  that you have  first called getutent(),  getutid(), or
getutline() to open  the logging file, and that the  file's seek pointer is
is at or  before the record you wish to  update.  pututline() looks for the
first  record   within  the  logging  file   whose  field  ut_line  matches
record.ut_line.  If it finds  such a record, pututline() overwrites it with
the contents  of record; otherwise, it  appends record onto the  end of the
logging file.

If all  goes well, pututline() returns the address  record. It returns NULL
if the  logging file had not  been opened, or if it  could not write record
into the logging file.

By default, getutid() updates record  in the logging file /etc/utmp. If you
wish to manipulate another file, use the function utmpname().

See Also
