COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for PSfont [Cook an Adobe font into PostScript format].

List of available manpages

PSfont -- Command

Cook an Adobe font into PostScript format
PSfont [-qs] [ infile.pfb [ outfile ] ]

The command  PSfont ``cooks'' a  file that is  in Adobe's downloadable-font
format into  PostScript.  The  output of PSfont  can either be  loaded into
your PostScript printer as a memory-resident font, which can be used across
multiple files, or included within the output of troff.

PSfont recognizes two options:

-q   Quiet  option:  suppress the  printing  of  warning messages.   PSfont
     normally complains about  error conditions it finds within fonts, such
     as extraneous control characters.

-s   Suppress the  instructions serverdict and exitserver  from the output.
     Use this  option if you  wish to include  the output of  PSfont within
     troff output; do not use this option if you want the cooked font to be
     resident within the printer after you download it.

infile is the  Adobe font file that PSfont cooks  into PostScript.  It must
have the  suffix .pfb. If  you do not  name an infile on  the command line,
PSfont reads the standard input.

outfile names the file into which PSfont writes its output.  By convention,
it should  have the suffix .ps,  although this is not  required.  If you do
not name  an outfile  on the  command line, PSfont  writes to  the standard

See Also

Supporting downloadable PostScript language fonts, Adobe Technical Note No.
5040, §3.3.  Mountain View, Ca., Adobe, Incorporated, 1992.


For more information on using PSfont  with troff, see the Lexicon entry for