COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for print [Echo text onto the standard output].

List of available manpages

print -- Command

Echo text onto the standard output
print [-enrun] [argument ...]

The command print is built into the Korn shell ksh. It echoes each argument
onto  the standard  output.   Arguments are  separated from  each other  by
whitespace, and the list of arguments is terminated by a newline character.

print  recognizes   and  substitutes  for  the   following  C-style  escape

          \b        Backspace
          \f        Formfeed
          \n        Newline
          \r        Carriage return
          \t        Tab
          \v        Vertical tab
          \0nnn     nnn is the octal value of the desired character

print recognizes the following options:

-e   Re-enable expansion of C escape sequences.

-n   Suppress printing of a newline at the end of the list of arguments.

-r   Suppress expansion of C escape sequences.

-un  Redirect output from the standard output to shell file descriptor n.

See Also
