COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for POSIX Standard [Definition].

List of available manpages

POSIX Standard -- Definition

The  term  ``POSIX  Standard''  refers  to  the Portable  Operating  System
Interface  (POSIX)  standard,  published  by  the  International  Standards
Organization (ISO) in 1990 as its standard 9945-1.  It is based on standard
1003.1 published  in 1988 by  the Institute for  Electrical and Electronics
Engineers (IEEE).

The POSIX  Standard is built upon the documentation  for the UNIX Operating
System  published originally  by AT&T  Bell  Laboratories (now  by Unix
Systems Laboratories).  It defines a common set of guidelines to which UNIX
and UNIX-like  operating systems  like COHERENT  should adhere in  order to
ensure common  functionality, and to maximize the  portability of code from
one operating system to another.   The publication of the POSIX Standard is
a  long  step  towards maintaining  the  openness  of  the  UNIX family  of
operating systems.

ANSI Standard,
Programming COHERENT