COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for phone [Print numbers and addresses from phone directory].

List of available manpages

phone -- Command

Print numbers and addresses from phone directory
phone person ...

The command  phone searches a number of telephone  directory files for each
person argument  that is given.  Any  lines that matches any  of the person
arguments is printed.   Typically, such lines contain the telephone number,
name,  and address  of  a person  or organization.   Lower-case letters  in
person can be matched by both  the same letter and the corresponding upper-
case letter in the phone directory.

The user may supply his own phone directory by setting the (exported) shell
variable  PHONEBOOK, to  the name  of that  file.  If  given, this  file is
searched first.  Then, the system-wide phone book is always searched.


$PHONEBOOK -- User-supplied phonebook (searched first)
/usr/pub/phonebook -- System-wide phone directory

See Also



phone exits with non-zero status if  a call fails.  A diagnostic message is
written to stderr if no matching entries are found.

The standard phonebook shipped with COHERENT includes telephone numbers and
descriptions  of third-party  vendors who sell  software for  COHERENT.  If
you're looking for software to run under COHERENT, check there first.